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CCRS Online Liverpool Hope Students - Morality


Course Information

CCRS Online Liverpool Hope Students  - Morality

This CCRS core module is delivered fully online. This unit will open on the 20th of March and close on  the 8th of May with the end of module assignment due no later than15 May 25. Following registration, the course administrator will contact you a few days before the module start date with further information and login details.

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Course Leader

Dr Taras Khomych
Course Description

The purpose of the Morality module is to enable participants to understand the principles and develop the skills of moral decision-making, to examine Catholic teaching in relation to the universal search for what constitutes the human good, and to explore the application of Christian understanding to selected contemporary moral issues.

When you have completed this module you should:
 • have knowledge of the sources and foundations of Catholic morality and an understanding of the role of the Church as moral teacher; 
• recognise the importance of individual conscience and understand what is involved in the formation of Christian conscience;
 • appreciate and respect different, yet conscientiously held, positions in regard to contemporary moral questions; 
• reflect on and communicate what has been learned from an adult personal, faith or professional stance.

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