Make a donation to A Brighter Hope
The Alumni Office is currently raising funds for a range of initiatives. A brief description of each is provided below but if you require further information please contact the Development Office directly.
Student Scholarships
These are non-refundable sums of money paid to a student in each year of their course of study and can be awarded to undergraduate or postgraduate students. Awards start from £500 per year.
Sheppard-Worlock Library
The library buys many thousands of new books per year with costs ranging from a few pounds to hundreds of pounds per book. Through ‘A Brighter Hope,’ supporters can donate £25 which is often enough to buy a book. Larger donations can fund more substantial things such the stands the library uses to display valuable reference books or even contribute towards the collections themselves.
Global Hope
This is the umbrella term given to Liverpool Hope University’s overseas charitable development work. Over the years, Hope students and staff have been able to support a range of educational communities in locations as diverse as India, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Malawi, South Africa, Brazil, Romania and Uganda.
These valuable projects cost anything up to £10,000 each.
"Greatest need"
These important gifts go automatically into a type of innovation fund. This fund accepts bids from the Students Union or the other student-centred clubs and societies for items such as sporting equipment or other equipment specifically aimed at enhancing the core student experience.
If you require further information please click here or contact the Development Office on +44 (0)151 291 3219.
For information about how Gift Aid can make your donation go further, please click here
Students wishing to make fundraising payments to Global Hope should do so here: Global Hope Fundraising Payments
The following payment methods are accepted: |  | |