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Donate to our Global Hope Partners

Donate to our Global Hope Partners

Global Hope is asking that you remember those less fortunate, and in particular our global partners by helping to provide whatever support you can during these hardest of times.

We are having an appeal to support the education projects of Solidaridad en Marcha, Arequipa, Peru. All money donated will be used to support children living in poverty in the city to continue their education at this time.

Donate to our Global Hope Partners

Donate to our Global Hope Partners

Donate to our Global Hope Partners

Amount (£)


Global Hope is asking that you remember those less fortunate, and in particular our global partners, by helping to provide whatever support you can during these hardest of times. We are having an appeal to support the education projects of Solidaridad en Marcha, Arequipa, Peru. All money donated will be used to support children living in poverty in the city to continue their education at this time. All donations are greatly received - just £1 can make a difference.

Please enter the value you wish to contribute in the amount box before clicking add to basket.
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