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How to list a product or service

Store.hope.ac.uk is the brand new Online Store facility, to be used as your online partner for promoting and selling products and services

Promote and sell your products – The online store is an ideal service for promoting and selling any kind of product. Currently on store.hope.ac.uk you will find a wide range of items from replacement degree certificates and end of year transcripts to, other study essentials.

We are keen to promote and sell more products and would welcome your input, please contact Jamie Maguire by email: [email protected]

New to the store:
Conference delegate registration – the University plays host to a large number of conferences and events throughout the year.

The online store can now assist organisers and delegates in managing the registration process and coordination of conferences and events.
The online store can be used by any University department or associated activity.

If you would like to set up an item/conference/event or short course please click here and select your required module form. 
When you submit a product, conference, event or short course for listing on the Online Store then your template will be checked by the online store administrator. This is to ensure that the VAT treatment of the sale-able item is correct and the coding of the financial transactions complies with financial regulations. As a result there may be a short delay in a member of the Online Store team getting back to you while we clarify information pertaining to a listing, however, please be assured that we will be dealing with this as quickly as we can.

Procedures for organising a University Conference / Event - https://info.hope.ac.uk/documents/Online_store_procedures.pdf

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