Online Store RequestThe Online Store, managed by the finance department is a tool enabling departments and faculties across the University to improve their income collection by taking electronic payments for the sale of goods/services, conferences, events and shorts courses provided by the University. The Store has an exceptional functionality including the ability to link to web pages and display images. The system can also produce detailed analysis on delegates, payments, bookings and questionnaires. When you submit a product, conference, event or short course request for listing on the Online Store the information provided will be checked by the online store administrator. This is to ensure that the VAT treatment of the sale-able item is correct and the coding of the financial transactions complies with financial regulations. As a result there may be a short delay in a member of the Online Store team getting back to you while we clarify information pertaining to a listing, however please be assured that we will be dealing with this as quickly as we can. "I cannot recommend the Online Store enough for any events that you may be organising, whether that be at a cost or a free event. It makes life so much easier than having to trawl through hundreds of e-mails and individually attending to each one. In an environment where there are lots of other tasks to complete at once this really does make a huge difference to workload and efficiency at the click of a button" - Michelle Pryor Education - Event PGCE Ceremonies If you have any questions regarding this process please call the Online Administrator on 0151 291 3833 or email [email protected].