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Library Postal Charge

Library Postal Charge



The charge per book is £4.

Please select 'add to basket' followed by 'proceed to basket'.

'Proceed to checkout'

*Please note you are limited to 1 request at a time. If you want more than 1 book you will need to complete the process again separately.


Detailed Description

  • Please select 'add to basket' followed by 'proceed to basket'.
  • On the following screen click 'Proceed to checkout'.
  • You will now be asked to log in to the Online Store, if you have not used the Online Store before you can either use guest checkout or create a new log in (it should take 2 minutes to create a log in)
  • Complete the short questionnaire
  • Select your billing address & then enter your card details.
  • Once you complete these payment steps you will need to add the book details and there will be a link to the library catalogue OneSearch to help you do this.

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